WorcAGO Executive Board 2016-2018

From the dean:

ws-headshotIt’s an honor to be serving as Dean.  I’ve sat back over my some 30 years in the Worcester area – fondly recalling the restoration of the Mechanics Hall Hook, plus the 1983 and 1999 regional conventions – and reaped the benefits of other leaders’ endeavors who’ve come before me.  Now, I can hopefully contribute to the prosperity of the chapter and spread the good word about pipe organs to central Massachusetts.  Two of my initial goals for 2010-11  are: to increase membership & enthusiasm, and to increase the chapter’s usage of technology (especially web-related).


Executive Board during the period July 2018 – June 2020

Executive Board during the period July 2018 – June 2020

Elected Officers:

  • Dean – Mark Mummert (first term 2018-2020) dean@worc…
  • SubDean – Lois Toeppner (first term 2018-2020) subdean@worc…
  • Secretary – David Moulton (first term 2018-2020) secretary@worc…
  • Treasurer – Juan Mesa (first term 2018-2020) treasurer@worc…
  • Registrar – Leonardo Ciampa (second term 2018-2020) registrar@worc…

Members At Large:

  1. Robert Potterton (first term 2018-2022)
  2. Juan Mesa (second term 2018-2022)
  3. Deb Colageo (second term 2018-2022)
  4. Bess Sproul (second term 2018-2022)
  5. Leonardo Ciampa (first term 2016-2020)
  6. Sean Redrow (first term 2016-2020)

Next chapter elections: April 2020 for the term period: July 1, 2020- May 2022.



Region I Councillor
Cheryl L. Duerr, AAGO
267 Concord Avenue
Lexington, MA 02421

Regional Coordinator for Education
Cheryl L. Duerr, AAGO
267 Concord Avenue
Lexington, MA 02421

Regional Coordinator for Professional Development
Donald R. Funk, AAGO
136 S. Highland Street
West Hartford, CT 06119

District Convener for Massachusetts
Robert Browne
109 South Street
Harwich Port MA 02646-1117
508-432-7238 (H)

ROLE DEFINITIONS (a.k.a. “Job Descriptions”)

The following chapter-level officers are elected every other year and along with Members-at-large comprise the Executive Board. DEAN SUBDEAN SECRETARY TREASURER REGISTRAR


Under the leadership of the National Council, a network of volunteer officials at the regional, district, and local levels directs the geographical activities of the Guild. For purposes of administration and representation, the Guild is divided into nine geographical regions, and each chapter is assigned to a district within a region.

A Regional Councillor is elected by the members of the Guild assigned to Chapters within each of the nine regions. The Regional Councillor is responsible for supervision and coordination of the work of the Guild in their Region and representation of the Region on the National Council. Appointed District Conveners are responsible for the development of the Guild’s interests in each state or area located within the Region. The District Convener assists the Regional Councillor in the work of the Region. In addition to District Conveners, Regional Coordinators are appointed to assist the Regional Councillor and a National Councillor in coordinating work of a specific portfolio area of the Guild within the Region, such as education and professional concerns.

2014-2016 board members (L-R) Deb Colageo, Kurt Blomstrom, Chris Lundell, Karen Gustafson, Stan Hanon, Lucia Clemente Falco, Will Sherwood, Bess Sproul, John Weit, Juan Mesa



Our Worcester Chapter thrives because of the generous donation of hundreds of hours of volunteer efforts.  We organize ourselves into various levels of leadership and contributors, from our Executive Board to our Formal Committees and Appointees, to various individual projects and tasks. Below is a list of our 2016-18 Committees.

Richard Jones

Jean Breidenbach & Lucia Clemente-Falco

Program Committee:
Lucia Clemente Falco, chair

Membership Committee:
Jean Breidenbach, Chair
Liz Pekkala

Scholarship Committee:
Marjorie Ness, Acting Chair (2018 through June)

Yearbook Editor, Placements/Substitutes/Calendar Coordinator:
Leonardo Ciampa

Will Sherwood