Membership Application/Renewal



Individuals interested in the organ and choral music fields are invited to join the American Guild of Organists. Membership is open to everyone, regardless of denominational affiliation or musical ability. Membership in the AGO brings the following benefits:

  • Annual subscription to The American Organist
  • Access to national job postings
  • Eligibility for high-quality insurance plans for health, car, home, and professional liability at competitive rates
  • Discounts on AGO convention fees and educational resources
  • Discounts on Certification exam fees
  • Chapter events such as recitals, workshops, meetings, and seminars (chapter members only)
  • Voting privileges in officer elections

NEW Members, click here to join the American Guild of Organists.  Be sure to select the Worcester chapter!

RENEWING Members,  click here to access renew your dues via the National AGO ONCARD system.

If you have any trouble, please contact Leonardo Ciampa, Registrar

All payments are now handled directly by the National AGO Headquarters. Please do not mail payments to the Worcester AGO.

Membership Rates

  • $97 – Regular
  • $72 – Special (age 65 or over,under 21, or disabled)
  • $72 – Partner (2nd member at same address, no TAO)
  • $37 – Student (with student id)
  • $38 – Dual Chapter (paid to second chapter)
  • $15 – Student Dual Chapter (paid to second chapter)
  • $25 – Chapter Friend (receives local Worcester AGO updates, no The American Organist Magazine)

NEW membership link:

RENEWING membership link:

Please contact us with any problems or questions you may have with your renewal.  Thank you.